Dec 31, 2015

Christmas: Did You See What I Saw?

Christmas has come and gone but the sight, sound, feel, taste and smell of it lingers for several days, don't you think? 

Especially when the decorations are still up. And there are still two cinnamon muffins left (well, they were when I began writing this post). Which I'm leaving for the hubby. Of course.

I like all the joys that this season brings to our senses but this year I concentrated on the sights of Christmas. Even the secular ones (for the most part) give us joy since it's just all part of our Christmas culture and gives us that warm, loving and cosy feeling.

A couple years ago I noticed how often the verb "see", or a form of it, is used in the Biblical account of the Christmas story. I did not check out the other scattered verses which refer to the birth of Christ but, rather, just the accounts in the first 2 chapters of Matthew and Luke. The four basic things which were seen were:

(Matthew 2:10)

 (Luke 1:28,29)

(Matthew 2:11)

(Luke 2:20,30)

Did you take time to see any of this? I mean, really look at the details of the Christmas story and try to "see" with the eyes of your imagination what it was really like?

*How big and bright was that wonderful star? Was it perhaps a different color? 
*What did the angel Gabriel look like as he announced the birth of Christ to several different people? (hey, that was one busy angel for awhile!)
*What were the expressions on the wise men's faces as they saw  the Babe that they had traveled SO far to see? As far as that goes,  what was the expression on Mary's face as she laid eyes on her  royal visitors...who came to see her royal Baby?
*Did Joseph cry for joy as he looked into the face of the little Boy  that he would be responsible to care for and teach many things?
*What was labor and delivery like for Mary? 
*What was the first little lullaby she sang to Baby Jesus?
*Did Simeon just stare and smile at Jesus for awhile as he held Him  in his arms before he prayed?

I'm sure you will have loads of questions, too as you stop and think about this most wonderful of Bible stories. This is the real meaning of celebrate Jesus' birth, adore Him, and be thankful for the salvation which He brought-and still brings-to all who believe in Him. (John 3:16)

Let us now go even unto Bethlehem,

and see this thing which is come to pass,

which the Lord hath made known unto us.

                                                     (Luke 2:14b)

May 8, 2015

Mom, If You Were Still Here...

Nary a day goes by that I don't think of my wonderful mother, but those thoughts increase at this time of year when her April birthday and Mother's Day roll around, only days apart. As I continue to pass through the phases of life that she did, I have come to realize more of what she went through, the thoughts and feelings that she may have had, the fears and prayers, joys and pains that she probably experienced.
I often find myself wishing that I could put time in reverse for awhile so that I could do more for her and say more to her. For a few minutes, I'm going to imagine that I can do just that...

Mom, if you were still here, I would…

Write you more often. I tried to write you regularly during those decades after I left home but my idea of frequent was not frequent enough, I see that now. I should have written you every day, for now I realize the hunger that a mother feels to hear from her kids, to know at least the basic things that are happening in their lives as well as the simple details of daily living.

Ask your advice about many things. At times I feel lost as I search for wisdom - wisdom to know what to say, what to do, what to even think or how I should feel. I would trust your advice because I know that you have gone through similar experiences.

Ask you to pose for that picture again. If I’ve thought of it once, I’ve thought of it 101 times…That day that I walked into your living-room and there you were, sitting by yourself on the couch, listening to music. You had on a blue dress, the same blue as your eyes, your hair was white and soft, your cheeks were pink and smooth. I was struck by your beauty-the beauty of an 87-year-old who had His sweet peace in her soul.

Find out more about your past. What were your childhood, adolescent and teen years like? Your years at Moody? The long voyage on the ship to your new island home as a missionary? That emptying -nest feeling?  Seeing your daughters get married? Retirement? As you faced death? Some basic things I know, but the details I do not.

Touch and hug you more. We were not a touchie/huggie family in our growing-up years, I realize that. But I noticed that after we became adults, that began to change, although with hesitation. I would like to have the opportunity to be with you again and hug you more often, touch your cheeks, hold your hands.

Tell you “I love you” more often. I would not wait just til your birthday/Mother’s Day card to write that to you. I would verbalize it. I would look you in the eyes and say it with meaning. Every time I saw you. I hope that somehow you sensed that I loved you even though I didn’t say it often enough.

Visit you more often. For most of my years I wasn't able to do that because we were separated by an ocean. But for those few times that we lived in close proximity, I know I should have made more effort to visit you. I wish we could have lived next door to each other for at least awhile. I would be at your back door every day to see if you needed help or just to share a cup of tea. But God had His reasons for never lettig that happen. In heaven, I hope He lets that finally happen.

Take you places. Anywhere…shopping, riding, to concerts, to flower shows, for a walk-in-the-park sort of thing. Just get out and enjoy the beautiful things of life.

-Give you more gifts. You loved beauty, I could tell that in many ways. You loved music and flowers and shells and wall plaques and pretty handkerchiefs and curtains and such. I would make sure you had more of all of those and of things you’ve never seen or dreamed of having. I would do my best to smother you with gifts.

Ask you what your secret is to your quiet, trusting strength. Your walk with the Lord was beautiful and amazing. I want to be like you.

Tell you what I admired about you...Your gentle strength, your musical talent, your dedication as a wife and mother, your admiration of beauty. I have often been happily proud of your "accomplishments", it would be quite the list if I should write them here.

Say "I'm sorry". As an adult, I said that for the times that I knowingly did or said the wrong thing. But I want to say I'm sorry, too, for the times that I, in ignorance, hurt you. I'm sure you just ignored it and forgave me anyway. That's what mothers do so well.

Say “don’t leave me yet. I need to get to know you better. I need to show you more love.” But these opportunities will never be granted to me again, I can only pray that you were happy with what I gave you while you were here.

Mom, I miss you and love you but I know I will see you again and that gives me joy.

Apr 10, 2015

The Rose

I don't like to use too many secular themes and resources, but I love this poem/song. Of course, if it wasn't about something as lovely as a rose, I may not even consider the possibility of posting it here!

                       The Rose

                         Some say love, it is a river
                         That drowns the tender reed.
                        Some say love, it is a razor
                         That leaves your soul to bleed.
                         Some say love, it is a hunger,
                        An endless aching need.
                        I say love, it is a flower,
                        And you its only seed.

                       It's the heart afraid of breaking
                      That never learns to dance.
                      It's the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
Who cannot seem to give,
And the soul afraid of dying
That never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long,
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong,
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring becomes the rose.
                                                                                                         -B. Midler

Our Comfort Zone

These two photos are not color-edited. I took them only a couple minutes apart one evening a few weeks ago. It's amazing, how quickly the colors changed!

In the lives of many people, the daily routine rarely changes. In a sense that's good. That is, if the details of those daily lives are good. We do love our comfort zones, now don't we? Well, I sure do! And the older I get, the more I love it. *smile* I'm not sure whether that's good or bad but it's the truth. I'm understanding more and more why my parents were SO routinish, especially in their later years. 

Why are unchanging comfort zones so wonderful? Well, because they are...comfortable! Who doesn't like comfort? From the newborn baby to the white-haired grandfather, everyone loves comfort. Unchanging, reliable, enjoyable things...whether it's food or our bed, church or home, family or neighbors.

Does this remind you of anything? AnyOne? Ah yes, our wonderful Saviour, the Lord Jesus! Unchanging, reliable, enjoyable...definitely the reason for our spiritual comfort zone. Comfort He is and comfort He gives. His caring and loving heart makes sure of that...not to mention His Word. How many times have we gotten comfort from the Bible? Too many times to count.

But wait! (don't you love that question in those tele-ads?) Isn't there a verse somewhere that talks about this...that Jesus never changes? You bet!

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." 
(Hebrews 13:8)

I am SO glad, amazed and grateful that this is true!

Mar 13, 2015

A Red Rose

I have been blessed and inspired by my Black Prince rose these days. It only blooms once or twice a year so it's an exciting thing for me and my camera. I wanted a poem to go with this particular photo and it didn't take long to find one. Perfect!

       This rose began as a bud that was so dark red it looked black...                                                                                                                                                                                         

...but in 4 more days it looked like this. It's amazing to think that such red, velvety richness was hidden in there! Oh, what a Creator we have to create such beauty!

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. (Revelation 4:11)