Apr 10, 2015

Our Comfort Zone

These two photos are not color-edited. I took them only a couple minutes apart one evening a few weeks ago. It's amazing, how quickly the colors changed!

In the lives of many people, the daily routine rarely changes. In a sense that's good. That is, if the details of those daily lives are good. We do love our comfort zones, now don't we? Well, I sure do! And the older I get, the more I love it. *smile* I'm not sure whether that's good or bad but it's the truth. I'm understanding more and more why my parents were SO routinish, especially in their later years. 

Why are unchanging comfort zones so wonderful? Well, because they are...comfortable! Who doesn't like comfort? From the newborn baby to the white-haired grandfather, everyone loves comfort. Unchanging, reliable, enjoyable things...whether it's food or our bed, church or home, family or neighbors.

Does this remind you of anything? AnyOne? Ah yes, our wonderful Saviour, the Lord Jesus! Unchanging, reliable, enjoyable...definitely the reason for our spiritual comfort zone. Comfort He is and comfort He gives. His caring and loving heart makes sure of that...not to mention His Word. How many times have we gotten comfort from the Bible? Too many times to count.

But wait! (don't you love that question in those tele-ads?) Isn't there a verse somewhere that talks about this...that Jesus never changes? You bet!

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." 
(Hebrews 13:8)

I am SO glad, amazed and grateful that this is true!

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