Christ, the only begotten Son of God, looked upon the sinful world
and realized its need for
Help. In counsel with the Father it was agreed that He would give up His high and exalted place and bring to sinful men
Redemption. He would go to earth in person and through
the miracle of birth would become the
Incarnation of God in human flesh. He would be born of a virgin
with God as His Father, and enter into the sinful world as its
Savior. His holiness, His sexemplary life, His sinlessness, His plan of redemption, His death, and His resurrection would bring to earth the great
Transformation needed by all mankind. So He came, as decided
in the councils of eternity, and through His coming He brought the
Melody of heaven to earth. A Babe in swaddlling clothes, divine,
whose birth was announced by the singing of angels on high, was to bring
Assurance to all mankind that God cared enough to send His only begotten Son that all who believe in Him might have
Salvation and eternal life. Only through personal acceptance of Him, God's great gift to man, can there be real Christmas in the human heart.