Aug 19, 2016

On This Day

On this day 44 years ago, my husband and I had our first date. He was 21, I was 19, babies we were. We double-dated with my brother and his girlfriend...played some putt-putt, went to Mayberry's for ice-cream, then the two of us sat on a bench outside of the Bible college where we were students. He talked, I'm sure I didn't say much.

One year, eleven months and one week later we were married. And the rest is history.

So today he brought me some green orchids, something I don't think I have ever seen! They are SO beautiful, worthy of a photo session...which I gave them immediately.

Also on this day 50 years ago I was born into God's family. On a Saturday night at the end of a week of "tent revival" meetings in Dayton, Tennessee, I responded to the prodding of not only the Holy Spirit in my heart but that of my eldest sister, Bonnie, who encouraged me to "go forward" and make my decision. Which I did. Since that day, during all of these 50 years, I have never once doubted my salvation, that when I die or when Christ returns, I will spend eternity in heaven.

Now that is worth celebrating!

Only fear the Lord 
and serve Him in truth
will all your heart,
for consider how great things 
He has done for you.
(I Samuel 12:24)

Aug 13, 2016

Cookies and Tea

(The following post was found amongst my drafts of 3 months ago. So as not to lose it, I post it now.)

My house is filled with the aroma of freshly-baked cookies. But at the moment I'm not baking anything, just testing out the smell of a scented candle to make sure it will be suitable for my church ladies' tea tomorrow afternoon. I want them to be greeted with "a smile and a smell". Ok, that just popped into my head just now, it isn't exactly what was on my heart to say.

What IS on my heart these days? Oh, myriads of things...thoughts, feelings, questions, wonders, anticipations, you name it. Our years in God's chosen country of ministry for us is beginning to wind down. Also beginning is that little tear in my heart (read that both ways if you wish). I know that it will end up being painful as it goes in two directions. How can it not? One side of my heart is dreading leaving, the other side is anticipating going. What? How will I deal with THAT?!

But I am not worried about that for I know that when the time comes the Lord will give grace to do these two opposing He has done for many who have gone before me. "My grace is sufficient for thee" He clearly says. For every child of His, for every need, for every heart. I claim that promise for my own.

In the meantime, I will keep on serving my Lord, even if it only means serving cookies and tea. For the moment it is my duty and my serve Him and others.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard,even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments.
(Psalm 144:1-2)

Sometimes A Mother Does This

Sometimes a mother has to cry...

For many reasons. For missing them (you know who), for blessings and griefs, for joys and pains, for sunshine and rain, for disappointment and gratefulness...such a mixture of thoughts and feelings. Such a patchwork of the heart, mind and soul.

Such is the life that the Lord plans for us.

 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
(Psalm 125:5-6)